Vegan Running for All

Advice, motivation, recipes, and more from a plant-based runner in the PNW

Living Healthy and Consciously

Welcome to Vegan Running for All! My name’s Emma, and I’m happy you’re here.

I became vegan in 2019 to reduce my environmental impact, but it soon became more. When I realized how much it helped my health and showed kindness to animals, I became more committed.

A few years down the line, in 2022, I started running. It was an effort to invest my anxious energy in a productive outlet. It was also one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Now, still vegan and still running, I’m here to help other people do the same. Here, you’ll find advice, motivation, recipes, and research-backed information about running on a plant-based diet.

Oh, and don’t worry if you’re not vegan, not a runner, or neither. My mission is create a safe space for all. So take a look around—I’ve got a little something for everyone.

Where Running and Veganism Meet

This blog is your friendly all-in-one resource for everything you need to sustain a running hobby on a plant-based diet.


A Personal Touch

The best advice comes from experience, and I share my experience-backed advice honestly and freely.


Getting Out of the Rut

Running isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. I want to keep you motivated in your healthy habits.


Yummy in the Tummy

Wondering how to properly fuel your running on a plant-based diet? I’ve got you covered with tasty recipes and research-backed nutrition info.


What the Science Says

I’ve done and do a ton of research on my running journey. I share what I learn and cite my sources here.

Emma Radebaugh

Vegan Runner in the PNW

Here to make running as a vegan easier for you, wherever you are on your journey.

Let’s Chat

If you any questions about what I post or simply want to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you!